
Epicor ERP Reviews from Verified Customers

Browse Epicor ERP reviews from real Epicor customers. If you’re looking for the best ERP solution for manufacturing or distribution, Epicor software is the perfect choice to fulfill all your needs.

We’re convinced that the key to unlocking your business success lies in an Epicor ERP system. Don’t take our word for it! Here we share Epicor success stories from manufacturers and distributors who chose EC Solutions as their Epicor implementation partner. Check out our case studies that confirm the excellence of Epicor products across different industries.


5 stars Epicor ERP reviews from satisfied customers.
le bleu d'EC Solutions

Epicor Reviews & Success Stories
Our Customers Talk

EC Solutions is a certified Epicor Gold Partner. We have been working with these award-winning ERP software solutions for many years to provide businesses with the management tools they need to perform. Our ERP consultants always promote Epicor software solutions as these systems have long been recognized for their effectiveness. 

Discover the Epicor customer reviews shared by manufacturers and distributors collaborating with EC Solutions. 

Abipa Talks About Their Success with Epicor ERP

Find out what happened behind the scenes at Abipa after EC Solutions implemented their custom Epicor Kinetic ERP system. Learn more about how the software works and how Epicor streamlined processes and increased profitability for Abipa. 

An Epicor Kinetic Review by Matritech

**Video available in French only **

Matritech and EC Solutions collaborate to form a powerhouse partnership! Discover the details of the Epicor Kinetic 360° implementation realized by a project manager at EC Solutions. Here’s how our professional ERP implementation transformed the operations of this metal fabrication services company. 

Cadexair Shares Its Epicor Customer Review

Cadexair is a company that specializes in ventilation systems for commercial kitchens. They needed a powerful and efficient ERP system to support their growth and optimize their business processes. Find out more about Epicor at Cadexair and how implementing this ERP software has unlocked the full potential of their operations. 

Discover More Case Studies
that Certify Epicor's Efficiency

Along with these case studies, please browse our registry to discover more companies that benefit from an Epicor ERP implementation. EC Solutions works with multiple industries and helps manufacturers and distributors achieve their business objectives faster. 

Our clients’ successes are a testament to our customized solutions‘ value. Do not wait any longer to implement an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system at the core of your business strategy—We’ll gladly help. 

Discover more case studies

Contact EC Solutions
to Start Your Custom ERP Project

Have you discovered our Epicor ERP reviews and aren’t sure which ERP to choose for your business? Talk to one of our certified Epicor consultants. Our team offers several Epicor software products such as Epicor Kinetic, Epicor Advanced MES, Epicor P21 and a wide range of complimentary ERP modules to add to your chosen solution. We’ll analyze your needs and work with you to determine which software best fits your expansion goals. 

You can also inquire about our different Epicor services via email or telephone or by filling out our contact form. An ERP expert will contact you shortly to discuss your project. 

You have a project?

Contact Our Experts

Our recognized experts will be happy to discuss your goals, answer your questions, and advise you in the implementation of your EPICOR ERP project. We favor a consultative approach to ensure you have all the information you need to make the best decisions for your needs.
3200, Highway Laval West
Laval (Quebec), H7T 2H6
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    EC Solutions
    By choosing EC Solutions, you will not only benefit from the high level of expertise of our employees and partners, but also from the company's unconditional commitment to help you achieve success.
    About us
    EC Solutions
    By choosing EC Solutions, you will not only benefit from the high level of expertise of our employees and partners, but also from the company's unconditional commitment to help you achieve success.
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