Epicor ERP Pricing Guide and Calculator

Getting started on your ERP project has never been easier through our Epicor pricing form, which gives you the best estimate for your project.
le bleu d'EC Solutions

1-5 Users

  • Operate within one country
  • Defined set of operations
  • Controlled budget

Better Return on Investment with:

  • No more wasted expenses
  • Superior customer service
  • Simplified back-end infrastructure

5-150 Users

  • Operate within one or more countries
  • Scaling business operations
  • Complex business requirements

Successful growth with:

  • Constant updated risk and compliance
  • Clean data collection
  • Adaptable technology with expansion

150+ Users

  • Located in multiple countries, with subsidiaries
  • Extensive business operations
  • Regularly deal with acquisitions

Improved Global Communication with:

  • Exclusive customizations and modules
  • Complete visualization into all global business processes
  • Strategic end-to-end integrations and platforms

Your Guide
to Epicor

Implementing an ERP can be a daunting task and, in most cases, a huge investment for an organization, which is why we created a personalized Epicor pricing guide.

Before launching your latest software project, take a look at the answers we’ve provided in order to provide you with the best Epicor ERP software price for your company’s needs and requirements.
Manufacturing software management

How much does
Epicor ERP cost?

When it comes to Epicor software price, there is no one-size-fits-all. Organizations are unique and have their own challenges, therefore each use-case is different from the next.

It also depends on whether a business wants to add customizations and modules for their industry-specific demands. Organizations must also take into account the Epicor price per user, which is based purely on how many employees need access to the system.

Not to mention, whether or not your company is small or mid sized. ERPs are designed to scale with the growth of a company and therefore will always have different criteria that are discussed at the beginning stage of an ERP implementation.

The best way to determine how much your ERP will cost is to spend time with an ERP consultant to go through the objectives of your company’s operations and growth. Once this has been established, it will be easy to provide the best license cost estimate for your ERP project.

On point preventive maintenance with an advanced MES ERP system.

Industry-specific solutions
for Epicor

Key ERP features for all your business processes.

Founded in 1972 in Austin Texas, Epicor is a Cloud ERP for companies in the manufacturing, distribution, retail, and service industries. Serving over 20 different sub-industries: fabricated metals, HVAC, paper and packaging, among many others; there is a solution for all.

For each sector, Epicor offers clients automated business processes as well as better inventory management in order to reduce costs. While Epicor takes control of your backend, you can benefit from the ultimate productivity from your team and an augmented profitability.

A software with this type of industry knowledge is vital to clients as the platform handles particular aspects that are only available and required for certain industries.

Epicor Products

Epicor for Distribution

Epicor Prophet 21 (P21) is a warehouse and inventory management system that controls all operations around inventory, procurement, shipping, and delivery of products.

Made for all sized companies, P21 is a leading software solution, combining Microsoft SQL Server with Windows to meet the needs of distributors around the world. It’s positioned to fulfill all requirements within distribution – purchases, warehouse management, assembly, ship and delivery, as well as much more.

The automation aspect ensures all orders are delivered in a timely manner.

Epicor for Manufacturing

Epicor Kinetic optimizes your supply chain and provides businesses with full control over finances. Operations will run smoother than ever before with KPIs and a bird’s eye view over all data from production to finances.

Epicor software is Cloud-based and can therefore be accessed anywhere, anytime whether you have local, regional, national, or international offices.

Let’s not forget to add an MES (manufacturing execution system) software, which can easily be added to your ERP platform in order to increase control over the production floor. Tracking data has never been easier. In fact, if you ever need to make a decision within just a few seconds, you’ll have all the crucial information you need right at your fingertips, thanks to this optimized integration.

What is an ERP
implementation partner

Find your solution with our certified ERP consultants.

More often than not when companies decide to launch an ERP project, they have the help of an ERP implementation partner. Just like you go to a mechanic when your car breaks down, having an expert team to guide you through the process of implementing a new technology solution is key to a successful project.

An implementation team will spend time with you in the beginning to discuss your business objectives and goals for your ERP. From there, depending on your budget, internal team, and project overview, you will collaborate on the implementation of your ERP solution.

While it is not mandatory to have an implementation partner, trust us when we say that you will have no regrets. An ERP consultant will be there from day one, and if you ever run into any issues, they’ll know exactly how to fix it.

An implementation will potentially hike up the original price tag; however, not having one could be seriously detrimental to not only the beginning stages of your ERP project but could also block you from having a successful go-live.

Take the time to fill out the above form to see if an implementation partner, like EC Solutions, is the way to go.

How long does it take
to launch an Epicor implementation?

Just like it is with the Epicor ERP system price, there is no set timeframe for an implementation. It all depends on your requirements and the types of customizations you’re looking to carry out.

The Epicor Signature methodology is a five-step approach used by our consultants at EC Solutions that has proven time and time again to meet the needs of clients that work with us on an ERP implementation. Prepare, plan, design, validate, and deploy are the steps our ERP consultants take to make sure that the ERP launch is organized, profitable, and flexible.

While there is no precise timeline for an implementation, we ensure that each step is successfully completed in order to reach the specified deadline.

Get industry specific recommendations from our ERP specialists.

What is an
Epicor partner?

Simplifying stock management with Epicor ERP.

An Epicor partner is a network of businesses around the globe that support and market Epicor as a software. They work together to provide the best service to clients in multiple industries.

Additionally, they provide ERP implementation services for businesses to help guide them throughout the ERP process.

EC Solutions is a certified Epicor partner with a specialized team of professionals and years of experience in the world of ERP.

Talk to our experts to determine your project timeline and budget.

You have a project?

Contact Our Experts

Our certified experts will be happy to discuss your objectives, answer your questions and advise you in the execution of your technology project. We favor a consultative approach to ensure that you have all the information you need to make the best decisions for your needs.
3200, Highway Laval West
Laval (Quebec), H7T 2H6
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    EC Solutions
    By choosing EC Solutions, you will not only benefit from the high level of expertise of our employees and partners, but also from the company's unconditional commitment to help you achieve success.
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    EC Solutions
    By choosing EC Solutions, you will not only benefit from the high level of expertise of our employees and partners, but also from the company's unconditional commitment to help you achieve success.
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