Epicor ERP Software

Automotive Industry

Get the most out of your production processes with a custom Epicor ERP for your automotive manufacturing business. EC Solutions is a certified Epicor partner with extensive knowledge and understanding of the manufacturing industry. We can help you build the automotive ERP software you need to drive your growth and achieve your goals

Keep your business current in the global automotive industry by maximizing efficiency and flexibility. Discuss your business optimization project with our expert ERP consultants and find your solution today. 

Production lines with several pieces of equipment greatly benefit from using MES software.
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What Is Epicor: The Role of ERP in the Automotive Industry

Epicor is one of the top manufacturing software companies offering world class solutions. They are behind Epicor Kinetic, one of the best ERP software for the automotive industry. Every automotive company is unique; using a production management ERP is an excellent way to stand out as an industry leader. 

Manufacturing ERP solutions are designed to simplify the management of manufacturing operations. A manufacturing production planning software thus helps save time and money on most business processes. How? By providing detailed operational information in real time. Managers can then access key data and make better business decisions. 


The Benefits of Using an Automotive Manufacturing ERP

Implementing Epicor automotive software is the first step to optimizing your business processes. However, knowing how to use this tool to reach its full potential is essential. That is why it is crucial to work with an Epicor implementation consultant. 

EC Solutions provides automotive ERP solutions that align perfectly with your business methodology and objectives. Our team uses Epicor’s best practices for ERP implementation. We also customize your Epicor software to ensure no part of your business is overlooked. 

From supply chain management to distribution, your personalized Epicor Kinetic ERP gives you the operational support you need to succeed. 

Stay Ahead with the Right ERP System for the Automotive Industry

The global automotive industry continues to exceed expectations. With this growth comes its own complexities and challenges. For example, the evolving vehicle technology, changing demographics, and growing personalization options. Epicor Kinetic is one of the best industrial ERP software to help you navigate these elements. 

  • Create a best-in-class materials logistics planning system 
  • Improve lead times and reduce waste significantly by using lean production methods 
  • Provide total oversight of the entire production process and product life cycle 
Expert ERP consultant for the automotive industry
Get sound advice from an Epicor certified team

Epicor ERP: A Technology That Works with You

Take full advantage of features that simplify operation management and grow with you. No matter where your growth takes you, Epicor Kinetic adapts to your evolving needs. Set your company apart by delivering exemplary performance as an automotive aftermarket manufacturer in a highly competitive sector.  

  • An integrated quality assurance module that allows you to build the foundation to meet quality requirements and reduce costs 
  • Synchronize your manufacturing operations with centralized purchasing and multi site management capabilities 
  • Gain complete visibility with a system that can manage the entire cycle from bid to invoice 

Coordinate Your Manufacturing Activities with Epicor ERP for Automotive Industry

Epicor Kinetic customization is one of the best solutions for automotive parts manufacturers. With 100% flexible, personalized ERP modules you: 

  • Leverage a Microsoft Azure cloud deployment, allowing you to focus on the IT activities that add value to your business 
  • Use Application Studio to customize Epicor Kinetic to your needs and reality with ease using “Low Code, No Code” features 
  • Achieve your business expansion goals and manage the complexities of diverse international markets with targeted features 
Simplify the administrative workload of your teams with a customized ERP solution.

Optimize your automotive ERP with
EC Solutions

EC Solutions is an ERP consulting company specializing in Epicor software solutions since 2004. We provide Canadian companies with excellent business processes optimization services. 

Our Epicor certified team takes the time needed to understand your company’s inner workings fully. Our mission is to deliver a customized all-in-one ERP system for manufacturing that meets your specific needs and goals. 

EC Solutions, Your Trusted Epicor Partner  

More than a simple ERP consulting company, we are a certified Epicor partner. Therefore, we are masters of all aspects and complexities of this software suite. This expertise allows us to get the most out of the Epicor ERP Kinetic software. Our professional consultants can provide solutions to boost your productivity and increase profits. 

Furthermore, our team is highly responsive to all our customers’ demands. Whether you need Epicor training or Epicor support, we offer 360° services to maximize your investment and ensure your success. 

Deploy the Epicor ERP Solution Best Suited to Your Automotive Business

Automotive manufacturers must meet exceedingly high standards for their production. With the right production management software, meet those complex requirements and growing demands from your clients. 

Any questions about Epicor Kinetic or our ERP implementation services? Consult an Epicor certified specialist at EC Solution today. We work with you to implement a scalable software solution to support your business as you grow. 


As time goes by, we realize that without Epicor ERP, things wouldn’t work.

Tony S.
Quality Director | Metaltech-Omega

EC Solutions offers proximity and highly qualified expertise in quick roll-out of the integrated EPICOR ERP software.

Mathieu B.
ERP systems lead | Synertek

We are delivering greater value to our clients, compared to our competitors, and Epicor ERP is the key to this achievement.

Rui C.
General Manager | Abipa Canada

Supprimé ! Epicor ERP implemented by EC Solutions has met many needs and has resulted in significant improvements to the overall management of Rotobec.

Jérôme P.
IT Coordinator | Rotobec

With Epicor ERP, we now manage three times as many parts as we did before with the same team.

Julie L.
JL Leclerc Group

Talk to an Epicor ERP certified consultant at EC Solutions today. We will implement an evolving management solution that supports your business as you grow.

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Contact Our Experts

Our certified experts will be happy to discuss your objectives, answer your questions and advise you in the execution of your technology project. We favor a consultative approach to ensure that you have all the information you need to make the best decisions for your needs.
3200, Highway Laval West
Laval (Quebec), H7T 2H6
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    EC Solutions
    By choosing EC Solutions, you will not only benefit from the high level of expertise of our employees and partners, but also from the company's unconditional commitment to help you achieve success.
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